Output HDF5 files

Enrich2 stores data in an HDF5 file for each Experiment, Selection, and SeqLib analysis object. The name of the HDF5 file is the object’s name plus the suffix “_<obj>.h5”, where <obj> is the object type (“exp”, “sel”, or “lib”). Each file has multiple tables that can be queried and retrieved as pandas data frames (see Example notebooks).

Each Experiment, Selection, and SeqLib has its own directory inside “Results/tsv/” containing tab-separated value files for users who want to work with other tools, such as R or Excel.

Table organization

HDF5 files organize tables into groups like directories in a file system. Enrich2 has two top-level groups, “/main” (used for most tables) and “/raw” (used exclusively in SeqLibs to store raw counts). The first subgroup is typically the element type (variant, barcode, etc.), followed by the kind of data (counts, scores, etc.).


When the “Force recalculation” analysis option is chosen, the “/main” tables are deleted from all HDF5 files in this analysis, and regenerated based on the “/raw” count data.

Enrich2 uses NaN (Not a Number) values to represent missing data, such as zero counts or scores that could not be calculated.

List of tables by object type


Most experiment tables use a pandas MultiIndex for column names. The MultiIndex levels are: condition, selection (if applicable), and data value. See the pandas advanced indexing documentation for more information on how to work with these objects.

  • “/main/<element>/counts”

    Counts of elements that appear in at least one time point in the experiment.

  • “/main/<element>/scores”

    Condition-level scores, standard errors, and epsilon (change in the standard error after the last iteration of the random-effects model) for all elements scored in all selections of at least one condition.

  • “/main/<element>/scores_shared”

    Selection-level scores and standard errors for each element with at least one condition-level score.

  • “/main/<element>/scores_shared_full”

    Selection-level scores and standard errors for each element scored in at least one selection.

  • “/main/<element>/scores_pvalues_wt”

    z-scores and p-values for each variant or synonymous element with a condition-level score. The null hypothesis is that the element’s score is equal to wild type.

  • “/main/barcodemap”

    Barcode-variant or barcode-identifier map for all barcodes that appear in the Experiment. Only present for Barcoded Variant or Barcoded Identifier SeqLibs.


  • “/main/<element>/counts”

    Counts of elements that appear in all time points in the selection.

  • “/main/<element>/counts_unfiltered”

    Counts of elements that appear in at least one time point in the selection.

  • “/main/<element>/scores”

    Scores, standard errors, standard error percentiles, and method-specific values (e.g. regression slope and intercept) for all elements counted in all time points in the selection.

  • “/main/<element>/weights”

    Regression weights for each element at each time point in weighted least squares regression.

  • “/main/<element>/log_ratios”

    Y-values for each element at each time point in weighted and ordinary least squares regression.

  • “/main/barcodemap”

    Barcode-variant or barcode-identifier map for all barcodes that appear in the Selection. Only present for Barcoded Variant or Barcoded Identifier SeqLibs.


  • “/main/<element>/counts”

    Counts of elements after minimum count filtering and barcode mapping.

  • “/raw/<element>/counts”

    Counts of elements taken directly from the FASTQ data.

  • “/raw/filter”

    Number of reads removed for each FASTQ filtering option.

  • “/raw/barcodemap”

    Barcode-variant or barcode-identifier map for barcodes that appear in this SeqLib. Only present for Barcoded Variant or Barcoded Identifier SeqLibs.